Why do we vet Translators at Seekncheck

Seekncheck is a vetted-only marketplace. We put a lot of time and energy vetting freelance translators and proofreaders (Checkers) joining us. We want to guarantee all information about any Checker we suggest to our users so they can hire them with complete confidence.
In this article, explain what it is exactly that we verify and validate, and how we do it.

1. Introduction

1.1. Why do we verify translators and proofreaders’ profiles?

Our commitment is to highlight the experience and expertise of Checkers while ensuring that Seekers are connected to competent and trustworthy professionals and experts. (See the benefits of being a validated Checker).
The profile of each registered Checker, therefore, goes through a verification and validation process. Non-validated profiles are not visible as Checkers to other platform members.
Once the verification of her profile is completed, the Checker obtains the privileges of a “Validated Checker”. The badge at the bottom of her profile certifies to the Seekers that all information about her experience, expertise, and identity has been verified and confirmed. This badge also means that the Checker has accepted the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements of the Seekncheck platform covering all documents submitted by our members on the platform.

2. What do we verify?

The verification process of translators and proofreaders (Checkers)’ profiles includes 4 sections:

2.1. Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements

Trust between Seekers and Checkers is essential, and the confidentiality and protection of our members’ documents is a major concern for us. We must, therefore, ensure that translators and proofreaders are aware of and accept the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements that bind them to the members who have entrusted them with their documents.

2.2. Expertise

To ensure the quality of all validated profiles, ensure the relevance of our suggestions and build Seekers’ trust in translators and proofreaders (Checkers), we verify the accuracy of the expertise information provided at registration by each Checker.

Supporting documents accepted (non-exclusive list)
- Diploma
- Certification of professional status as a translator or proofreader
- Language level certification
- Website indicating professional activity
- Published papers

2.3. Experience

We value the experience of translators and proofreaders acquired outside the platform. It is considered in terms of years and size of the portfolio (number of documents proofread or translated).

We are aware that it may be difficult for some translators and proofreaders to provide all the evidence of their experience when it has been built outside a formal professional framework. In this case, it is better to provide only the information relating to the experience that can be justified. A profile with little experience is more likely to be trusted by users than a profile with a lot of unverified experience.

Supporting documents accepted (non-exclusive list)
- Documents translated or proofread
- Proofreading certification
- Translation certification
- Website presenting a portfolio

3. How does the validation process work?

The verification and validation process is completed in 3 steps following registration as a translator or proofreader (Checker) :

Step 1. Submission of supporting documents
From your account, click on the “Validation interface” link in the main menu under your username.

On the page displayed, you’ll be able to submit the relevant supporting documents concerning your identity, your experiences, and your expertise.

Step 2. Verification of supporting documents
We check the provided supporting documents in a maximum of 5 days and notify you as soon as your profile is validated.

If a document is not suitable, we will inform you promptly so that you can make the necessary changes.

Step 3. Validation of your profile
From the validation interface of your account, you can confirm the code that has been sent to you by email. Once the code has been registered, you will receive the validated Checker badge confirming that your experiences and expertise have been verified and validated. This badge is visible to all members on the platform whenever your profile is suggested or when your profile is displayed in searches.

4. How can other members see that you are validated?

4.1. The progress of the verification process

The “Verifications” section of your profile allows you to follow the progress of the verification and validation of your Checker profile.
The progression of the validation process for each section is coded as follows :

Red: not yet validated
Yellow: verification in progress
Green: validated

4.2. When do you start being visible to other members?

Your profile goes into “visible” mode and can be suggested by our algorithms to Seekers when you have at least:

  1. accepted Seekncheck’s confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements;
  2. provided supporting documents to verify your identity;
  3. provided supporting documents for the verification of your expertise;
  4. provided supporting documents for verification of your experience.

You will, therefore, be visible on the platform as Checker when the “Verifications” block of your profile has the following configuration :

Seekncheck - Vetting process in progress
Minimum progress required for a translator or proofreader to be visible

4.3. Validation completed

The icons of a profile whose validation is completed are presented as follows :

Seekncheck - Vetting process completed
Validation completed

Seekers to whom your profile is suggested or to whom you offer your services for a document can see this information.

Seekncheck is a vetted-only marketplace that connects customers with specialized freelance translators and proofreaders we affectionately call our Checkers. Join us today and get your profile in front of all Seekers looking for your special competences.